“Hylebos Harmonic”
Public Art Collaborative Team:
David Dahlquist & Matt Niebuhr in conjunction with RDG Dahlquist Art Studio (RDG Planning & Design)
Performing Arts & Events Center,
Federal Way, Washington
Inspired by nature while walking through the wetland, we listened. We heard birds singing, the breeze rustling through leaves, and witnessed dappled light reflecting off pools of water in the wetland. We were immediately part of the natural world around us, connected by water and sound. Our installation translates this moment of beauty and tranquility in a sculptural form, transforming a sparrow bird song into a visual experience. An interpretation of sound in the form of a “chromo acoustical” column or sonogram, the bird’s song is expressed as pattern and intensity into a visual experience. The installation invites the viewer to enter another world visually, without leaving the lobby of the building (“The willing suspension of disbelief.”)